Saturday 2 January 2016


its interesting reading about the new allergy epidemic, I saw it on sky news about the poor little boy with severe eczema and allergies and it's sad how common allergies are these days. I have personally found it difficult and very very stressful. It's all well hearing a baby can't have certain foods but when they are starting to grow and they want new things it's hard. If you don't book from scratch there's little you can do, I've found anyways. Amber eats mainly veg, meat and fruit and little else yet we are still battling what It is that is irritating her skin and bowels.... Here is a picture of her at 6 month she was very sore severe and infected eczema, doctors gave me all sorts until they referred us to a paediatrian who finally started helping us. I still feel like our journey is just starting as we are still unsure as to what exactly is still upsetting ambers tummy. It certainly makes me realise just how hard allergy mums and dads work!!

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